Monday, February 4, 2008

My Oh-So-Subtly Hateful Mother

There are certain people in my life who just can't help saying the wrong thing. For example . . .

"I was so disappointed that you didn't get that job at the University. I had such high hopes for it."

It seems innocuous, no? Well . . . no. It's ambiguous at best. Now imagine that the speaker is my mother. Loving and supportive, right? No. I don't feel those things. Especially since she then hung up on me, because she's just sooooo busy with her . . . um . . . reading junk mail catalogs? Not sure.

I 'didn't get that job' eight months ago. LET IT GO.


What about you? Do you have a "loving" underminer in your life? Want to report on their sadistic little quips? Post now and receive absolution.

And as always - have a nice day.



Red Flashlight said...

How's this: "you looked soooo gooood last year! Remember how good you looked last year? Yeah - that was great."

Justice said...

Oh, yes, I had one of those. I divorced him.

By the way, you helped intensify my blog withdrawals. So, now you really have to come read me.

poosemommy said...

Lets see, there's the one about not getting my figure back after the baby, the one about how I didn't go to nursing school the first time he suggested it and if I had we wouldn't be so stressed and tired now (read: he wouldn't be alone with the baby in the evenings while I am at class)
The guilty remain unidentified.