Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Shifting the Burden: a Former Victim of Incompetence Speaks Out

I returned some library books in September. This morning (October 16th) I got an e-mail informing me that these books are now overdue. I responded by calling the library to let them know I already turned these books in, back in September. They said I could come to the library and, if I found them on the shelf, I could turn them in at that point and they would waive my overdue fines.

What a load of malarkey.

Why is the onus on me to fix their administrative error? Furthermore, they are not allowed to "waive" a fine that was fraudulently imposed in the first place.

Do I say so to the guy on the phone? No. Instead I'm as sweet and patient as one can be. Why? Because wage-slave drones in the service industry have no incentive to be competent and instead, are incentivized to use a quid-pro-quo work ethic in which, if I am nice to him, he'll be nice to me.

Well I hate being nice. It's ironic, but "being nice" is not for sissies. It's HARD. It means having to swallow my natural inclination to be grumpy and stubborn.

Why do I have to be nice all the time? Why can't I just walk around scowling all day long? Why can't I just let fly and give everyone I meet the instruction they are so clearly in need of? Why can't I just relax and take up smoking cigarettes? Why can't I just spend every evening drinking martinis and watching old Hollywood movies in a pair of old jeans and a wrinkled T-shirt? Why do I have to keep my suits clean and pressed? Why do I have to wear makeup? Why is my hair falling out? Why am I grinding my teeth at night? Why why why?

Ohhhh . . . maybe it's because I live an almost completely fake existence, in which I try to be perfect for people who will, in exchange, give me groceries and a roof over my head.
Could be that.

BUT WAIT! I'm not a victim here. I'm a triumpher. A triumphal triumpher. Maybe I could try being less nice. Not really mean, just less . . . accommodating. Perhaps there are those who might respond positively to my instruction. Like this: "excuse me sir, but may I ask you to please show me a little more respect? I need you to give me a job. Right now, please. No, I'm afraid waiting would be bad for the both of us. Thank you." Or maybe this "excuse me, but I need to return these and I need to please get a receipt for them. Thank you."

1 comment:

Dmonster said...

I think you'd make a great judge on a cooking show, on American Idol, or some other competition judge, because you'd give straight out literal criticism, not that constructive criticism crap. ;)

Why aren't there any rants anymore?